From my public sector experience, there are 8 personas that need to be watched out for and managed to ensure their actions do not negatively impact the transformation journey:
1. Detractors: These are the ones that say, “It can’t be done, period! And don’t bother trying to convince me!”
2. Saboteurs: These are the “I said it couldn’t be done, and you are still trying to get it done. Okay then, let’s see how you’ll make it work!”
3. Delayers: These exhibit enthusiasm but then stall processes and drag their feet for long enough until the momentum gathered dissipates. Alternatively, there are the Foot-Draggers, who don’t show any outward sign of resistance but spend time turning around work allocated to them, causing (deliberately or not) a loss of critical momentum.
4. Derailers: These derail discussions and plans; they bring up secondary issues and insist these should be given equal attention, thus slowing down the transformation process.
5. Disrupters: These scatter the process by introducing complexities at each stage, creating layers of bureaucracy, and muddying up clear workflows until everyone runs out of mental energy and gets tired. Also related to these are the Confusionists: these deliberately mix up messages, context, and intent and take up other people’s time with a constant need for correction and clarification.
6. Fearful: These give in too easily at the first sight of threats, roadblocks, or complexities. They are constantly scared of being targeted and are very superstitious.
7. Shapeshifters: These pose as quiet ones but are actually understudying the environment to understand the most powerful interests at play at any point in time. Once they identify that interest, they shift ground to align with that interest, whether it’s the right position or not. This behavior is driven by either being burned on previous occasions or just a sheer need for self-preservation.
8. The change-fatigued: They are tired of several agendas and manifestos that have come with plenty of fanfare but no action. They will nod knowingly at all your bold speeches, having heard them all before. These are ready to do only the bare minimum to preserve their jobs or create a semblance of action. They can be stirred up to change once they see momentum being consistently maintained.
Which of the eight personas have you encountered during a transformation journey? Share your thoughts below.
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